Module City
This library contains functions to access and modfiy city information, general buildings and roads.
addBuildingListener (tbl) | Adds one or multiple event listeners for (specific) buildings in the city. |
addRoadListener (tbl) | Adds one or multiple event listeners for (specific) roads in the city. |
alert (actionPlaceType, x, y) | Sets an action marker (or removes the one previously set there). |
canSpend (amount) | Returns true if the specified amount of money can be spend by the city. |
countBuildings ([draft]) | Returns the overall amount of buildings. |
countBuildingsOfType (type[, level]) | Returns the number of buildings of a specific building type. |
countCars () | Returns number of cars that are active right now. |
countPipes () | Returns the overall amount of pipes in the city. |
countRoads ([draft]) | Returns the overall amount of roads. |
countWires () | Returns the overall amount of wires in the city. |
createDraftDrawer (draft[, alsoHidden=false]) | Returns a table with funtions to draw the draft and query some information about it. |
earnCurrency (name, amount) | Earns amount of the currency named name. |
earnMoney (amount[, x[, y[, showOverlay=false[, budgetItem]]]]) | Earns some money. |
enableDisaster (name[, state]) | Enables or disables the automatic disaster of the given name. |
execute (cmd, receiver) | Executes a command as if it was entered into the console. |
exit ([save=false]) | Closes the current city and will go back to region view. |
getAbsoluteDay () | Returns the current absolute day of the city. |
getAuthor () | Returns the name of the author that the player entered |
getBackground () | Returns the current background draft of the city. |
getBuilding (index[, draft]) | Gets the position of a specific building of a specific draft by it's index. |
getCommercialJobs ([level[, progress=false]]) | Returns the total commercial jobs per level. |
getCurrency (name) | Returns the available amount of the currency of the given name. |
getDay () | Returns the current day of the month of the city. |
getDayPart () | Returns the current part of the day with 0 being the start and 1 being the end. |
getDisaster () | Returns the name of the curretly active disaster or nil if no disaster is is active right now. |
getFileName () | Returns the name of the file of the city. |
getFunVar (name[, fallbackValue]) | Returns the value of the classic fun variable of the given name or fallbackValue if no such variable has been defined, yet. |
getHappiness ([happinessType]) | Returns the average happiness. |
getHeight () | Height of the city in tiles |
getId () | Returns the ID of the city. |
getIncome () | Returns the monthly income of the city. |
getIndustrialJobs ([level[, progress=false]]) | Returns the total industrial jobs per level. |
getMoney () | Returns the estate of the city. |
getMonth () | Returns the current month of the city. |
getName () | Name of the current city |
getOwnerId () | Returns the id of the owner of the city if the city is online. |
getOwnerName () | Returns the name of the owner of the city if the city is online. |
getPeople (level) | Returns the number of the specified level (0, 1 or 2). |
getPipe (index) | Returns the index'th pipe's x,y location of the city. |
getPlayTime () | Returns the play time in this city in seconds. |
getRank () | Returns the current rank draft and the rank index. |
getRegionId () | Returns the id of the region or nil if the city is not in a region. |
getRegionName () | Returns the name of the region this city is located in. |
getResidentialSpace ([level[, progress=false]]) | Returns the residential space (in buildings) per level. |
getRoad (index[, draft]) | Gets the position and level of a specific road (of a specific draft) by it's index. |
getRotation () | Returns the current rotation of the city. |
getScale () | Gets the current scaling of the city with 1.0 being no scaling. |
getSeed () | Returns the seed that was used to generate the city |
getSpeed () | Returns the current simulation speed of the city. |
getStorage () | Use this storage table to save things city wide |
getTax (rci, level) | Returns the current taxes applied to a certain building type and level |
getTime () | Returns the animation time of the game in milliseconds. |
getToolName () | Returns the name of the currently opened tool. |
getView () | Returns the tile position the camera is currently looking at as well as the current scale. |
getWidth () | Width of the city in tiles |
getWire (index) | Returns the index'th wire's x,y,level location of the city. |
getXp () | Returns the amount of experience of the city. |
getYear () | Returns the current year of the city. |
hash ([x[, y]]) | Returns a pseudo random positive 32bit integer number. |
isOnline () | Indicates whether this city is an online city. |
isReadonly () | Indicates whether this city is readonly. |
isSandbox () | Determines whether the city is in free or sandbox mode |
isUber () | Returns true if uber is activated for that city. |
issueDisaster (name[, x=-1[, y=-1[, radius=20[, radioactive=true]]]]) | Issues the disaster of the given name at the given position x, y. |
load (path[, overwrite[, private[, target]]]) | Loads a city file provided by the plugin. |
move (x, y) | Moves the city according to the given screen space coordinates. |
noise (x, y[, z[, w]]) | Returns a noise value for the specified coordinates. |
openInfo (infoType) | Opens the city information screen of the given type. |
playSound (sound, x, y[, volume=1[, loop=false]]) | Plays a sound. |
rebuildUI () | Rebuilds the UI of the city view including the toolbar. |
save ([enforce=false]) | Saves the city if the user has autosave enabled. |
setAuthor (name) | Sets a new author name for the city. |
setBackground (draft) | Sets a background. |
setFunVar (name, value) | Sets the value of a classic fun variable called name. |
setName (newName) | Sets a new city name |
setRotation (r) | Sets the rotation of the city |
setScale (scale) | Sets the scale of the city with 1.0 being no scaling. |
setSpeed (speed) | Sets the simulation speed of the city. |
setView (x, y[, scale[, adjustY=true]]) | Sets the view to a specified tile x, y using the provided scale. |
setXp (xp) | Sets the experience amount of the city. |
showNotification (tableOfArguments) | Shows a notification. |
spendCurrency (name, amount) | Spends amount of the currency named name. |
spendMoney (amount[, x[, y[, budgetItem]]]) | Spends some money. |
ACTIONPLACE_FIRE | Action place for fire alerts. |
ACTIONPLACE_GARBAGE | Action place for garbage alerts. |
ACTIONPLACE_MEDIC | Action place for medic alerts. |
ACTIONPLACE_POLICE | Action place for police alerts. |
ACTIONPLACE_SWAT | Action place for swat alerts. |
DISASTER_BLIZZARD | Identifier for blizzard disaster. |
DISASTER_CRIME | Identifier for crime disaster. |
DISASTER_EARTHQUAKE | Identifier for earthquake disaster. |
DISASTER_FIRE | Identifier for fire disaster. |
DISASTER_FLOODING | Identifier for flooding disaster. |
DISASTER_GREEN_SLIME | Identifier for green slime disaster. |
DISASTER_ILLNESS | Identifier for illness disaster. |
DISASTER_METEOR | Identifier for meteorite disaster. |
DISASTER_NUKE | Identifier for nuke disaster. |
DISASTER_PINK_SLIME | Identifier for pink slime disaster. |
DISASTER_RIOT | Identifier for riot disaster. |
DISASTER_TORNADO | Identifier for tornado disaster. |
DISASTER_UFO | Identifier for ufo disaster. |
HAPPINESS_EDUCATION | Name of education happiness |
HAPPINESS_ENVIRONMENT | Name of environment happiness |
HAPPINESS_FIREDEPARTMENT | Name of fire deparment happiness |
HAPPINESS_FREETIME | Name of free time happiness |
HAPPINESS_GENERAL | Name of general happiness |
HAPPINESS_HEALTH | Name of health happiness |
HAPPINESS_LEVEL | Name of level happiness. |
HAPPINESS_PARK | Name of park happiness |
HAPPINESS_POLICE | Name of police happiness |
HAPPINESS_RELIGION | Name of religion happiness |
HAPPINESS_SPORT | Name of sport happiness |
HAPPINESS_SUPPLY | Name of supply happiness |
HAPPINESS_TAXES | Name of taxes happiness |
HAPPINESS_TRANSPORT | Name of transport happiness |
HAPPINESS_WASTE | Name of waste happiness |
HAPPINESS_ZONE | Name of zone happiness. |
INFO_AIRPORT | Identifier for airport city information screen |
INFO_BUDGET | Identifier for budget city information screen |
INFO_EDUCATION | Identifier for education city information screen |
INFO_ENERGY | Identifier for energy city information screen |
INFO_GENERAL | Identifier for general city information screen |
INFO_HEALTH | Identifier for health city information screen |
INFO_LOAN | Identifier for loan city information screen |
INFO_NEIGHBOR | Identifier for neighbor city information screen |
INFO_RANK | Identifier for rank city information screen |
INFO_RATING | Identifier for rating city information screen |
INFO_RCI | Identifier for rci/demand city information screen |
INFO_STATISTICS | Identifier for statistics city information screen |
INFO_WATER | Identifier for water city information screen |
TAX_COMMERCIAL | Identifier for denoting commercial tax. |
TAX_INDUSTRIAL | Identifier for denoting industrial tax. |
TAX_RESIDENTIAL | Identifier for denoting residential tax. |
- addBuildingListener (tbl)
Adds one or multiple event listeners for (specific) buildings in the city.
Listeners will not be persisted so you may want to always register them
in script:enterCity().
Listeners will not be called in any specific order.
Note that the building listener will also be called for buildings that were moved. This call happens immediately after Script.EVENT_PLACED and does not reflect the final properties of the building like upgrades. For that you could use Runtime.postpone to do the check for properties a bit later.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.10.73
Unstable feature:
This feature is not stable and may be changed or removed in the future.
- tbl table A table that holds named parameters.
function script:enterCity() City.addBuildingListener{ draft = Draft.get('$somebuildingdraftid'), -- either a building draft to monitor, or nil to monitor all buildings added = function(data) -- data is a table of { x, y, draft } Debug.toast('Added building at', data.x, data.y) end, finished = function(data) end, -- data is a table of { x, y, draft } upgraded = function(data) end, -- data is a table of { x, y, draft, upgradeDraft } removed = function(data) end -- data is a table of { x, y, draft } } end
- addRoadListener (tbl)
Adds one or multiple event listeners for (specific) roads in the city.
Listeners will not be persisted so you may want to always register them
in script:enterCity().
Listeners will not be called in any specific order.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.10.73
Unstable feature:
This feature is not stable and may be changed or removed in the future.
- tbl table A table that holds named parameters.
function script:enterCity() City.addRoadListener{ draft = Draft.get('$someroaddraftid'), -- either a road draft to monitor, or nil to monitor all roads added = function(data) -- data is a table of { x, y, level, draft } Debug.toast('Added road at', data.x, data.y, data.level) end, removed = function(data) end -- data is a table of { x, y, level, draft } } end
- alert (actionPlaceType, x, y)
Sets an action marker (or removes the one previously set there).
- actionPlaceType int
- x int
- y int
- canSpend (amount)
Returns true if the specified amount of money can be spend by the city.
- amount int The amount to query whether it can be spent.
- countBuildings ([draft])
Returns the overall amount of buildings. Optionally of a specific draft.
This can for example be used to iterate over all buildings of a draft
by using City.getBuilding(index, draft).
- draft draft A building draft. (optional)
Amount of buildings.
- countBuildingsOfType (type[, level])
Returns the number of buildings of a specific building type.
- type string The building type to count. Can be one of "residential", "commercial", "industrial", "farm", "harbor ind", "harbor pier", "park", "sport", "public", "religion", "award", "energy", "water", "medic", "police", "swat", "fire brigade", "education", "bus depot", "destroyed", "decoration", "buoy", "railway station", "waste disposal", "body disposal", "military", "airport", "terrain", "landmark" or "building" (this one being a placeholder).
- level int The level the buildings should have. If not specified the level of the buildings is ignored. Level 0 would be first level. (optional)
The number of buildings of the specified type (and level).
- countCars ()
Returns number of cars that are active right now. This includes operatonal
cars and trains.
Cars in the city.
- countPipes ()
Returns the overall amount of pipes in the city.
The number of pipes.
- countRoads ([draft])
Returns the overall amount of roads. Optionally of a specific draft.
This can for example be used to iterate over all roads (of a draft)
by using City.getRoad(index, draft).
- draft draft A road draft. (optional)
Amount of roads.
- countWires ()
Returns the overall amount of wires in the city.
The number of wires.
- createDraftDrawer (draft[, alsoHidden=false])
Returns a table with funtions to draw the draft and query some information
about it.
The table is only valid as long as the city is open.
This is a costly operation and should only be done rarely.
The main intention for this function is to render drafts in some sort of UI.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.97
- draft draft or string The draft or id of a draft a function table should be created for.
- alsoHidden bool If true this function will also return a table for hidden drafts. (default false)
table or nil
The table of functions or nil if the draft does not support
the operation
The returned table contains the following functions: getWidth() -- Returns the pixel width of the preview getHeight() -- Returns the pixel height of the preview getTitle() -- Returns the title of the draft for rendering getText() -- Returns the text of the draft for rendering getPrice() -- Returns the current price for the draft getMonthlyPrice() -- Returns the current monthly price for the draft getDiamondPrice() -- Returns the current diamond price for the draft isActive() -- Returns true if the draft is considered visible to the player isSelectable() -- Returns true if the select function can be called (ie building can be built) hasFrames() -- Returns true if there is more than one frame available nextFrame() -- Selects the next frame for drawing prevFrame() -- Selects the previous frame for drawing getDraft() -- Returns the underlying draft object select() -- If isSelectable() is true this function starts the associated (build) tool markAsUsed() -- Mark this draft as used so it will not be shown as New draw(x, y, w, h) -- Draws the draft preview into the specified target rect. getHistory() -- Returns an array of draft id strings of the last used drafts
- earnCurrency (name, amount)
Earns amount of the currency named name.
This function requires privileged plugin permissions. You can obtain these by becoming a trusted plugin creator.
- name string
- amount number
- earnMoney (amount[, x[, y[, showOverlay=false[, budgetItem]]]])
Earns some money. If x, y is provided (and >= 0) then the money will be
drawn as if it was earned at the provided place (green text).
If showOverlay is true and overlay for the money will be shown
(default is false).
This function requires privileged plugin permissions. You can obtain these by becoming a trusted plugin creator.
- amount int
- x int (optional)
- y int (optional)
- showOverlay bool (default false)
- budgetItem draft (optional)
- enableDisaster (name[, state])
Enables or disables the automatic disaster of the given name.
- name string
- state bool true by default. (optional)
- execute (cmd, receiver)
Executes a command as if it was entered into the console.
- cmd string The command to execute.
- receiver function A function with one parameter that will be called for any feedback.
- exit ([save=false])
Closes the current city and will go back to region view.
- save bool Whether to save the city before exiting it. (default false)
- getAbsoluteDay ()
Returns the current absolute day of the city.
- getAuthor ()
Returns the name of the author that the player entered
- getBackground ()
Returns the current background draft of the city.
- getBuilding (index[, draft])
Gets the position of a specific building of a specific draft by it's index.
The index starts with 1 and ranges up to City.countBuildings(draft).
- index int Index of the building, starting with 1.
- draft draft (optional)
- int X position of the building.
- int Y position of the building.
- getCommercialJobs ([level[, progress=false]])
Returns the total commercial jobs per level.
- level int The level, 0, 1 or 2. If no level is provided the sum of all levels will be used. (optional)
- progress bool If true, buildings that are in building process will be included. (default false)
Amount of total commercial jobs.
- getCurrency (name)
Returns the available amount of the currency of the given name.
E.g. City.getCurreny('bus currency')
- name string
- int
- string
- getDay ()
Returns the current day of the month of the city.
The value ranges from 1 to 30.
- getDayPart ()
Returns the current part of the day with 0 being the start and 1 being
the end.
You can use City.getDay() + City.getDayPart() as a game speed dependent
time source that does not wrap around like City.getTime() does.
- getDisaster ()
Returns the name of the curretly active disaster or nil if no disaster is
is active right now.
- getFileName ()
Returns the name of the file of the city.
- getFunVar (name[, fallbackValue])
Returns the value of the classic fun variable of the given name or
fallbackValue if no such variable has been defined, yet.
fallbackValue is 0 by default.
Note that fun variables can only contain numbers. Use City.getStorage()
or TheoTown.getStorage() to store more fancy stuff.
Global fun variables are indicated by a leading ! in it's name.
- name string
- fallbackValue int (optional)
- getHappiness ([happinessType])
Returns the average happiness.
- happinessType string Type of a happiness, e.g. City.HAPPINESS_PARK. If not provided the general happiness will be returned. Be cautious, the calculcation for a specific type can be time consuming and should not be done every frame. (optional)
0..1 with 1 being happy
- getHeight ()
Height of the city in tiles
- getId ()
Returns the ID of the city.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.9.95
ID of the city.
- getIncome ()
Returns the monthly income of the city.
Income of the city in Theons.
- getIndustrialJobs ([level[, progress=false]])
Returns the total industrial jobs per level.
- level int The level, 0, 1 or 2. If no level is provided the sum of all levels will be used. (optional)
- progress bool If true, buildings that are in building process will be included. (default false)
Amount of total residential jobs.
- getMoney ()
Returns the estate of the city.
int The money of the city in Theon.
- getMonth ()
Returns the current month of the city.
The value ranges from 1 to 12.
- getName ()
Name of the current city
- getOwnerId ()
Returns the id of the owner of the city if the city is online.
- getOwnerName ()
Returns the name of the owner of the city if the city is online.
- getPeople (level)
Returns the number of the specified level (0, 1 or 2). Returns the number of
all people if no level was specified.
- level int optional
- getPipe (index)
Returns the index'th pipe's x,y location of the city.
Can be used to iterate over all pipes of the city by using
City.countPipes() to determine the overall amount of pipes.
- index int Index of the pipe, starting with 1.
- int The x location and
- int the Y location of the pipe at the given index.
- getPlayTime ()
Returns the play time in this city in seconds.
Time in seconds.
- getRank ()
Returns the current rank draft and the rank index.
- draft The rank draft of the city.
- int Index of the rank, starts with 0 for the first one.
- getRegionId ()
Returns the id of the region or nil if the city is not in a region.
The id of a reqion is (in theory) unique. For online regions it is just
a number.
The id of the region or nil.
- getRegionName ()
Returns the name of the region this city is located in. Returns nil for
for individual cities.
Name of the region or nil.
- getResidentialSpace ([level[, progress=false]])
Returns the residential space (in buildings) per level.
- level int The level, 0, 1 or 2. If no level is provided the sum of all levels will be used. (optional)
- progress bool If true, buildings that are in building process will be included. (default false)
Amount of residential space (unit is people).
- getRoad (index[, draft])
Gets the position and level of a specific road (of a specific draft) by it's index.
- index int
- draft draft (optional)
- int X location
- int Y location
- int Level
- getRotation ()
Returns the current rotation of the city. City rotation is expressed with an
integer number 0 (unrotated), ..., 3
int {0, 1, 2, 3}
- getScale ()
Gets the current scaling of the city with 1.0 being no scaling.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.24
The scale of the city.
- getSeed ()
Returns the seed that was used to generate the city
- getSpeed ()
Returns the current simulation speed of the city.
The speed value.
See also:
- getStorage ()
Use this storage table to save things city wide
- getTax (rci, level)
Returns the current taxes applied to a certain building type and level
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.46
- rci int Must be one of City.TAX_RESIDENTIAL, City.TAX_COMMERCIAL or City.TAX_INDUSTRIAL
- level int Must be an integer number in 1..3.
The tax in percent. Will be in 0..100.
- getTime ()
Returns the animation time of the game in milliseconds.
- getToolName ()
Returns the name of the currently opened tool.
The default tool (that is selected when no other tool is open)
has a name of "Default".
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.21
The name of the opened tool.
- getView ()
Returns the tile position the camera is currently looking at as well as
the current scale. Format: x, y, scale
Note that this function does no terrain elevation adjustment unlike
- int
- int
- float
- getWidth ()
Width of the city in tiles
- getWire (index)
Returns the index'th wire's x,y,level location of the city.
Can be used to iterate over all wires of the city by using
City.countWires() to determine the overall amount of wires.
- index int Index of the wire, starting with 1.
- int The X location and
- int the Y location and
- int the level location of the wire at the given index.
- getXp ()
Returns the amount of experience of the city.
- getYear ()
Returns the current year of the city.
The value starts at 1.
- hash ([x[, y]])
Returns a pseudo random positive 32bit integer number.
The returned number is only dependent on the city and - if specified -
on the provided x,y location.
The returned value can be used to generate peusdo random values that are
fixed per city/city and location. This can be useful to produce seemingly
random but yet deterministic behavior.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.9.95
- x int (optional)
- y int (optional)
Positive pseudo random number.
- isOnline ()
Indicates whether this city is an online city.
True iff the city is online
- isReadonly ()
Indicates whether this city is readonly. Cities that are readonly can not
be saved. For example foreign cities in online regions are read only.
True iff the city is readonly
- isSandbox ()
Determines whether the city is in free or sandbox mode
- isUber ()
Returns true if uber is activated for that city.
Iff city is uber
- issueDisaster (name[, x=-1[, y=-1[, radius=20[, radioactive=true]]]])
Issues the disaster of the given name at the given position x, y.
Returns true iff disaster was issued successfully.
- name string The name of a disaster, e.g. City.DISASTER_FIRE
- x int X position. Random by default. (default -1)
- y int Y position. Random by default. (default -1)
- radius int Radius for nuke disaster. (default 20)
- radioactive bool Radioactivity for nuke disaster. (default true)
function script:earlyTap(x, y) City.issueDisaster(City.DISASTER_RIOT, x + 1, y) City.issueDisaster(City.DISASTER_RIOT, x - 1, y) City.issueDisaster(City.DISASTER_RIOT, x, y + 1) City.issueDisaster(City.DISASTER_RIOT, x, y - 1) City.issueDisaster(City.DISASTER_FIRE, x, y) return false -- Prevent it from open dialog for the tile end
- load (path[, overwrite[, private[, target]]])
Loads a city file provided by the plugin. path is the file of the city file
(thus it includes the .city file ending).
Prior to loading the city will be copied to maps or private maps folder first
(depending on private value).
If a city of similar file name already exists at that directory it will be
overridden if overwrite flag is set.
The target file name can be changed by specifieing a target name.
- move (x, y)
Moves the city according to the given screen space coordinates.
Can be used to implement smooth scrolling similar to mouse / key / touch
based one.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.24
- x float
- y float
- noise (x, y[, z[, w]])
Returns a noise value for the specified coordinates.
- x int
- y int
- z int (optional)
- w int (optional)
Ranges from -1 to 1
- openInfo (infoType)
Opens the city information screen of the given type.
- infoType string Use one of the constants mentioned above, e.g. City.INFO_GENERAL
- playSound (sound, x, y[, volume=1[, loop=false]])
Plays a sound.
- sound draft A sound draft or id of a sound draft.
- x int X coordinate of the sound's origin tile.
- y int Y coordinate of the sound's origin tile.
- volume float A value between 0 and 1. (default 1)
- loop bool Whether or not to loop the sound. (default false)
A table that contains functions to control the sound.
- rebuildUI ()
- Rebuilds the UI of the city view including the toolbar.
- save ([enforce=false])
Saves the city if the user has autosave enabled. If enforce is set the city
will even be saved if the user has autosave disabled.
Don't call this function e.g. in event functions since they may be called from
outside of the main thread. You can call it from a function passed to
Runtime.postpone to fix that.
- enforce bool Whether to enforce saving. (default false)
- setAuthor (name)
Sets a new author name for the city.
- name string Name of the author
- setBackground (draft)
Sets a background.
- draft draft An animation draft or it's id as a string. Use nil to set default background.
- setFunVar (name, value)
Sets the value of a classic fun variable called name.
Note that fun variables can only contain numbers. Use City.getStorage()
or TheoTown.getStorage() to store more fancy stuff.
Global fun variables are indicated by a leading ! in it's name.
- name string
- value int
- setName (newName)
Sets a new city name
- newName string
- setRotation (r)
Sets the rotation of the city
- r
int {0, 1, 2, 3}
- setScale (scale)
Sets the scale of the city with 1.0 being no scaling.
New feature:
This is a new feature that was added in version 1.11.24
- scale float The scale to apply.
- setSpeed (speed)
Sets the simulation speed of the city. The following values are allowed:
for paused1
for slow2
for normal3
for fast4
for ultra fastParameters:
- speed int One of the values above.
See also:
- setView (x, y[, scale[, adjustY=true]])
Sets the view to a specified tile x, y using the provided scale. If no scale
is provided the current scale will be used.
Scale 1 means no scaling, 2 times scaling etc.
- x int
- y int
- scale float (optional)
- adjustY bool Adjust for terrain elevation (1.11.24) (default true)
- setXp (xp)
Sets the experience amount of the city.
This function requires privileged plugin permissions. You can obtain these by becoming a trusted plugin creator.
- xp int
- showNotification (tableOfArguments)
Shows a notification.
See here for an example.
- tableOfArguments table A table that contains all of the arguments that should be used for the notification.
City.showNotification{ -- Image for the notification, can be extracted from a draft using :getFrame icon = frameDraft:getFrame(1), -- Text of the notification text = 'hi', -- All of the following attributes are optional... -- Title in case of an immersive notification title = 'Title of the window', -- Whether to draw it with a red background (default: false) important = true, -- Whether to offer yes and no buttons (default: false) question = true, -- Whether to offer an 'ok' button (default: value of question) optionOk = true, -- Whether to offer a close/cancel button (default: true) closeable = true, -- If defined: offer a location button that will jump to that location locationX = 42, locationY = 42, -- If true: shows the notification as a dialog (default: false) immersive = false, -- Will be called if the ok button was pressed onOk = function() Debug.toast('Ok') end, -- Will be called if the cancel button was pressed onCancel = function() Debug.toast('Cancel') end, -- Will be called if the notification was closed without a button press onClose = function() Debug.toast('Closed') end, -- A new feature of version 1.8.78 that allows to add own buttons actions = { { -- Image for the button icon = frameDraft:getFrame(2), -- Will be called when button is pressed onClick = function() Debug.toast('Triangle was clicked') end }, { icon = frameDraft:getFrame(3), onClick = function() Debug.toast('Circle was clicked') end }, { icon = frameDraft:getFrame(4), onClick = function() Debug.toast('Cross was clicked') end } } }
- spendCurrency (name, amount)
Spends amount of the currency named name.
- name string
- amount int
- spendMoney (amount[, x[, y[, budgetItem]]])
Spends some money. If x, y is specified it will show a red price at that
- amount int
- x int (optional)
- y int (optional)
- budgetItem draft (optional)
- Action place for fire alerts. Used for action place markers.
- Action place for garbage alerts.
- Action place for medic alerts.
- Action place for police alerts.
- Action place for swat alerts.
- Identifier for blizzard disaster.
- Identifier for crime disaster.
- Identifier for earthquake disaster.
- Identifier for fire disaster. Used by City.getDisaster and City.issueDisaster.
- Identifier for flooding disaster.
- Identifier for green slime disaster.
- Identifier for illness disaster.
- Identifier for meteorite disaster.
- Identifier for nuke disaster.
- Identifier for pink slime disaster.
- Identifier for riot disaster.
- Identifier for tornado disaster.
- Identifier for ufo disaster.
- Name of education happiness
- Name of environment happiness
- Name of fire deparment happiness
- Name of free time happiness
- Name of general happiness
- Name of health happiness
- Name of level happiness. This is a hidden happiness which means that it is used for internal calculcations, only.
- Name of park happiness
- Name of police happiness
- Name of religion happiness
- Name of sport happiness
- Name of supply happiness
- Name of taxes happiness
- Name of transport happiness
- Name of waste happiness
- Name of zone happiness. This is a hidden happiness which means that it is used for internal calculcations, only.
- Identifier for airport city information screen
- Identifier for budget city information screen
- Identifier for education city information screen
- Identifier for energy city information screen
- Identifier for general city information screen
- Identifier for health city information screen
- Identifier for loan city information screen
- Identifier for neighbor city information screen
- Identifier for rank city information screen
- Identifier for rating city information screen
- Identifier for rci/demand city information screen
- Identifier for statistics city information screen
- Identifier for water city information screen
- Identifier for denoting commercial tax.
- Identifier for denoting industrial tax.
- Identifier for denoting residential tax.